Method Codes
Method Code:
Code Description:
MIL-STD-2073-1B/2C Code: Preserve method I as follows:Flush or fog spray internal water passages with MIL-C-16173,Grade 3 preservative. Flush/fog spray internal oil passages with MIL-L-3150,VV-L-800 or MIL-L-21260. Internal surfaces must be thoroughly covered with preservative.
Long Code Description:
MIL-STD-2073-1B/2C Code: Preserve method I as follows:Flush or fog spray internal water passages with MIL-C-16173,Grade 3 preservative. Flush/fog spray internal oil passages with MIL-L-3150,VV-L-800 or MIL-L-21260. Internal surfaces must be thoroughly covered with preservative.